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Error With Gltfast when building

Problem Description

No response to retrieve 3D model (gltf/glb)


You will get the following error in the console


NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

By tracing the error log, you may locate the error occurs in GetDefaultMaterial in the GLTFast libaryErrorLog

The error occurs due to the required material can't not be found in the program.


1. Preload the required shader variants

This method is going to tracking all the required shader variants and storing them.


  1. Run your scene that loads all glTFs you expect in the editor.
  2. Go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Graphics
  3. At the bottom end you'll see the "Shader Preloading" section
  4. Save the currently tracked shaders/variants to an asset PreloadShader
  5. Take this ShaderVariantCollection asset and add it to the "Preloaded Shaders" list

2. Include all the shader variants


  1. Find the shader / material that will be used RequiredShader
  2. Copy them to Asset/Resources/ (if not exist, you can create one)
  3. In Edit -> Project Settings -> Graphics include all the above the shaders IncludeShader