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  1. GLTFast
Installation Steps
  1. Download Installer Package
  2. Open Unity and Open Installer Package
  3. After adding installer addon, restart editor.
  4. GLTFast will be download automatically
  1. Newtonsoft


Copy the SketchfabWrapper folder to Assest folder;

Required setup before using the library

  1. Enter your Client ID and Client Secret
  1. Create an Sketchfab folder inside the Assets folder in your unity project
  2. Create a Resources folder inside your new Sketchfab Folder (Sketchfab/Resources)
  3. Navigate to Sketchfab/Resources (inside Unity)
  4. Right Click > Create > SketchfabSettings
  5. Add your Client ID and Client Secret into the SketchfabSettings.
  1. Login in your Sketchfab account
  1. Navigate to Assets/Sketchfab and drag "_SCRIPT" prefrab to the scene
  2. Enter your Sketchfab's username and password on inspector of the "_SCRIPT"Inspector

Enjoy the library